
English class

Hello to everyone, today I’m going to talk about my recent experience of studying English at the university. Since I got into the university, I had to take 2 subjects of English, so I think I have enough experience to comment their benefits from my point of view. A general comment is related with the teachers that I had the opportunity to share a classroom. In particular, they were always willing to give feedback to the mistakes that I had, a thing that I consider valuable. In the last course that I have been, there was an activity of videorecording that I found very useful to practice mi pronunciation. However, a thing that I should improve is my listening, because for the moment I think it’s very poor. One option that I could do to progress and get that goal could be get into conversations with people from countries where the English is the official language, because it could make my ear more sensitive to understand the language, or, in the same way, other option could be see m

Study programme of my career

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about some changes i would like to do to the study programme of my career, I hope you agree ahaha. Currently I’m studying anthropology with a mention in archaeology, to get the grade of archaeologist. For the moment, I’m in the third year of the career, so I can make an opinion with all certainty about the courses that I have had until nowadays. In general, I think that a big problem in the mention is related to the infrastructure and the differents tools that are not available or are few for the big quantity of students. For example, yesterday, in the class of ceramic laboratory we were around thirty people in a room destinated just to twenty people. About the teaching methods it depends of the teacher. For example, I feel very satisfied with the methods of “lithic laboratory” and “Prehistoria de Chile II”, because you learn a lot with the manner in that the teacher explains the contents. However the above, the university is always stressful. In th


Hello to everyone, today im going to talk about my opinion in different topics, i hope we discuss it!  What is your opinion about tatoos?  I have always thought that tattoos are very attractive, at least for me. The potentiality to understand it as much as art and as a fetish is something very transversal that catches my attention. I would like to have one but the possibilities of doing it lately have been complex.   What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population? I have always thought that tattoos are very attractive, at least for me. The potentiality to understand it as much as art and as a fetish is something very transversal that catches my attention. I would like to have one but the possibilities of doing it lately have been complex. What is your opinion about recycling? My opinion regarding to recycling is that it is something that should be seen as a public policy, at least in our country. I am bored of orderin

Post 7: My childhood days

  Hello to everyone, today i'm going to talk about my childhood days, when i didn't know that i was really happy with no responsabilities ahaha. I have to say that memory is not my fort, so i dont remember a lot of my childhood days. However, there's always a memory that comes back: the day I ate a whole cauliflower dish before lunch when i was 4 years, and my mom getting a lot of surprise of this.I dont know how i did it. One of the first memories I have about my childhood is when I "lost" in a shopping center. I put that I lost in quotes because I used to hide intentionally among the clothes that were for sale to scare my parents ahah. I did it a lot when I was between 5 and 6 years old. Another thing that I always have in my memory is when I learned to ride a bicycle. When I was around 5 or 6 years old,  i had the chance that my dad taught me with a lot of dedication on my sisters bicycle, which was already in disuse. I remember a lot of falls and

Post 6. Post Graduate Studies

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk you about the ideas that I’m considering to make reality after I finish the pre-grade (if I finish it ajaj). I‘ve been always a person with a lot of dudes about the things I do, so there is a big spectrum of possibilities to make in the future. One of the first that comes to my mind is start to working and get a little of relax of the studies, because for the moment the university has been a very stressful part of my life and I would like to know how is the archaeological work in practice. Considering that, maybe in the future I would like to study a master in Archaeology because I could need it in relation to knowledge, but I don’t know much about where it could be, and where the best options are. For now, I’ve investigated about the possibility of make a continuity of studies between my career and the post grade master that the faculty offers, but I don’t know if it worth because like a said before studies occupies a lot of time and pl

Post 5: My future Job

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk about my labor perspectives for the future. As you know, I’m studying anthropology since 2015, and this year I decided to take a specialization in archaeology. There are many reasons to justify why I chose that career, and why I want to work in archaeology in the following years. One of those is that I definitely would like to work outdoors, especially in campaigns with workmates. I have a lot of expectations of fieldworks because there is always a component of surprise in the sense that the possibility of finding something is always there. In addition,  I think that working as archeologist offers the possibility of know a lot of places of Chile and other countries in the region, and view this places in a historical and even prehistorical perspective, that maybe could help some historical and actual processes. About the salary is known that archeology is an unstable work, so I don’t know what to expect.  People say that if you follow a wa

Post 4: Friends

Hello everybody! The topic of today is "friends" so I'm going to talk about my experience and what I understand by friends. In general, I think d efining what friends are is a hard task, but an important thing that I have always considered as an essential quality is the empathy that one friend can have with me and the confidence that empathy can generate in the relation. I think it´s important because you can tell them your problems and feel more "free" and "light". In that way, another thing not less important and that I also consider is the sympathy and the sense of humor that always makes an atmosphere better. In my experience, making friends was always hard, because I have been always very shy and anxious, so I always tended to spend too much time on my own and with my family. In that way, I don't consider myself as a good friend, but I think that I try when I can     However, at my last school, I made friends with who I keep meeting aft