Post 6. Post Graduate Studies

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk you about the ideas that I’m considering to make reality after I finish the pre-grade (if I finish it ajaj). I‘ve been always a person with a lot of dudes about the things I do, so there is a big spectrum of possibilities to make in the future.

One of the first that comes to my mind is start to working and get a little of relax of the studies, because for the moment the university has been a very stressful part of my life and I would like to know how is the archaeological work in practice. Considering that, maybe in the future I would like to study a master in Archaeology because I could need it in relation to knowledge, but I don’t know much about where it could be, and where the best options are. For now, I’ve investigated about the possibility of make a continuity of studies between my career and the post grade master that the faculty offers, but I don’t know if it worth because like a said before studies occupies a lot of time and plus that, get a scholarship is a hard task.

In that sense, in another way very different, I would like to take a course  of rock n’ roll dancing or maybe salsa, because it’s been always attractive to me and I’ve never do with the right knowledge ajaja. Summarizing, I would like to learn things that I’ve never do and get a little relax of “formal o institutional studies”, but I don’t discard it in the future or maybe in the near future –with the continuity of studies- keep in “formal studies”, because i really like archaeology. That’s all for today, I see you in the next post!


  1. It's true that university consumes a lot of time, but if we like what we study that time will be well spend. Also I think that we must do "other" things that we love, apart from our career.

  2. wow, you love archeology!, I hope you make it!


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Study programme of my career