Post 4: Friends

Hello everybody! The topic of today is "friends" so I'm going to talk about my experience and what I understand by friends. In general, I think defining what friends are is a hard task, but an important thing that I have always considered as an essential quality is the empathy that one friend can have with me and the confidence that empathy can generate in the relation. I think it´s important because you can tell them your problems and feel more "free" and "light". In that way, another thing not less important and that I also consider is the sympathy and the sense of humor that always makes an atmosphere better. In my experience, making friends was always hard, because I have been always very shy and anxious, so I always tended to spend too much time on my own and with my family. In that way, I don't consider myself as a good friend, but I think that I try when I can    

However, at my last school, I made friends with who I keep meeting after I graduate in 2015, especially with Vicente with who I keep seeing every single day because we study the same career jaja. In general, I feel very nice with them because they always are there when we need, in bad or good moments.  We know since we were in  7th grade, so a lot of memories and experiences had happened across the years that have been very enriching in my life. In that sense, I could say that i don't have a "closest friend", but that i have a lot of "closest friends" that are always accompanying me when I need. For the moment, another thing that I have to say is that in the University i have met very kind people that i also consider as friends, but I'm very busy now and i can't tell you more about them ajaja.

Well, i think that's all for today, i see you the next week in a new post!


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