
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Post 4: Friends

Hello everybody! The topic of today is "friends" so I'm going to talk about my experience and what I understand by friends. In general, I think d efining what friends are is a hard task, but an important thing that I have always considered as an essential quality is the empathy that one friend can have with me and the confidence that empathy can generate in the relation. I think it´s important because you can tell them your problems and feel more "free" and "light". In that way, another thing not less important and that I also consider is the sympathy and the sense of humor that always makes an atmosphere better. In my experience, making friends was always hard, because I have been always very shy and anxious, so I always tended to spend too much time on my own and with my family. In that way, I don't consider myself as a good friend, but I think that I try when I can     However, at my last school, I made friends with who I keep meeting aft


Hi! Today I'm going to write about films that I've seen and liked. I often go to the cinema because i really enjoy the atmosphere that surrounds me when i'm watching films. However, I dont always have the option to go, so I tend to use online platforms such as Pelispedia or Netflix to watch the films that interest me. Regarding the kinds of films that i like it depends of the moment, although the spectrum usually ranges from drama to comedy and even comic films. I have to say that a guilty pleasure that I have is watching American high school films when im bored, i really get fun with them. The last film that i saw this year was "The Nun". I really enjoyed it even though horror films usually paralyze me, it had a very interesting soundtrack. However, the films that I have enjoyed most this year are two. The first is "Avengers: Infinity War", because I was expecting this a lot and I even went to the premiere, being part of the first people who saw it i

Post 2: The best holidays that i've had

Hello everybody, this week I'm going to talk about the best holidays that I have had so far. The present year (2018) I had the chance to travel with my mom to Rapa Nui Island for a week between the 19th and 26th of June, due to my sisters gave us the tickets as a gift. I think it is the best travel that I have had because I met new people, like Salomon or Gaston, and famous places there that I never thought that I could know, like the numerous archaeological sites.  Like I said before, we were just for a week, so we had to organize differents activities to take benefit of every single day there. In that adventure we met the b each of Anakena, differents moais and ahus (the platform where the moais stand), the anthropological museum "Padre Sebastian Englert", the botanical garden and the Kari-Kari restaurant. Some of the things that impressed me the most were the pride that Rapa Nui people  feels   about their culture, the respect that they have with the moais a

Post 1: Perú

Hi!, today I’m going to talk about a country I would like to visit, specially like a tourist destination. Travelling is a thing that I have always wanted to do, but there is a lot of complications when I want to take the risk and give the step to meet new places, like money or health issues. If you ask me today, I would like to visit all south Americans countries, because I like the variety of people that you can meet there and the diversity of ecosystems and landscapes that you can find in our continent, and the better economic options that you can get with the money exchange. I think if I were rich I could make all those travels. However, I think Perú is the best option because it summarize the things that I said before with   a lot of things that I love, specially the food and the historical and archaeological sites. My cousin told me that even the people that cook in the street make better plates than the restaurants here, so I would like to go through the streets and