
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

Post 7: My childhood days

  Hello to everyone, today i'm going to talk about my childhood days, when i didn't know that i was really happy with no responsabilities ahaha. I have to say that memory is not my fort, so i dont remember a lot of my childhood days. However, there's always a memory that comes back: the day I ate a whole cauliflower dish before lunch when i was 4 years, and my mom getting a lot of surprise of this.I dont know how i did it. One of the first memories I have about my childhood is when I "lost" in a shopping center. I put that I lost in quotes because I used to hide intentionally among the clothes that were for sale to scare my parents ahah. I did it a lot when I was between 5 and 6 years old. Another thing that I always have in my memory is when I learned to ride a bicycle. When I was around 5 or 6 years old,  i had the chance that my dad taught me with a lot of dedication on my sisters bicycle, which was already in disuse. I remember a lot of falls and

Post 6. Post Graduate Studies

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk you about the ideas that I’m considering to make reality after I finish the pre-grade (if I finish it ajaj). I‘ve been always a person with a lot of dudes about the things I do, so there is a big spectrum of possibilities to make in the future. One of the first that comes to my mind is start to working and get a little of relax of the studies, because for the moment the university has been a very stressful part of my life and I would like to know how is the archaeological work in practice. Considering that, maybe in the future I would like to study a master in Archaeology because I could need it in relation to knowledge, but I don’t know much about where it could be, and where the best options are. For now, I’ve investigated about the possibility of make a continuity of studies between my career and the post grade master that the faculty offers, but I don’t know if it worth because like a said before studies occupies a lot of time and pl

Post 5: My future Job

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk about my labor perspectives for the future. As you know, I’m studying anthropology since 2015, and this year I decided to take a specialization in archaeology. There are many reasons to justify why I chose that career, and why I want to work in archaeology in the following years. One of those is that I definitely would like to work outdoors, especially in campaigns with workmates. I have a lot of expectations of fieldworks because there is always a component of surprise in the sense that the possibility of finding something is always there. In addition,  I think that working as archeologist offers the possibility of know a lot of places of Chile and other countries in the region, and view this places in a historical and even prehistorical perspective, that maybe could help some historical and actual processes. About the salary is known that archeology is an unstable work, so I don’t know what to expect.  People say that if you follow a wa